Ida Shaw, MA, is a Director of the Schema Therapy Institute Midwest-Indianapolis Center which has International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) Certification programs in Individual, Group and Child-Adolescent ST. She is a Certified Schema Therapist Trainer/Supervisor in individual, group and child-adolescent ST. She is Training Director of the Center for Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment and Research, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and a member of the Training and Certification Advisory Board of ISST. With a background in experiential psychotherapy and developmental psychology, Ms. Shaw is the developer of group schema therapy with Joan Farrell, with whom she has worked since the 1980s. They provide schema therapy training and self-practice/self-reflection workshops nationally and internationally. They have written two books on Schema Therapy and numerous book chapters and research articles. Ms. Shaw is the main clinical supervisor of an international multisite trial of group schema therapy, providing training and supervision for schema therapists in five countries and 14 clinical sites. She supervises the practice component of additional research projects on Avoidant personality disorder, dissociative disorders, complex trauma child-adolescent treatment.
Joan Farrell, Ph.D. is a Director of the Schema Therapy Institute Midwest-Indianapolis Center and the Research and Training Director of the Center for Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment and Research, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). She is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at IUPUI and was a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Indiana University School of Medicine for 25 years. In that position, she developed and directed an inpatient ST program for BPD at the university-affiliated hospital. She is co-principal investigator of an international trial of ST for Borderline Personality Disorder with Arnoud Arntz with 14 sites in five countries and was principal investigator of a randomized controlled trial of Group ST for BPD that was awarded a NIMH grant. A Certified Schema Therapist Trainer/Supervisor in individual and group, she is the Coordinator for Training and Certification on the Executive Board of the International Society of Schema Therapy. Dr. Farrell is the developer of group schema therapy with Ida Shaw, with whom she has worked since the 1980s. They provide group and individual schema therapy training and self-practice/self-reflection workshops nationally and internationally. They have written two books on Schema Therapy and numerous book chapters and research articles.