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Wendy Behary (@donsanddivas) has been training professionals and supervising psychotherapists for more than 20 years, and is the author of Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed.

What We Discuss with Wendy Behary:

  • What’s the difference between someone who comes off as somewhat self-absorbed and a full-blown, clinical narcissist?
  • Is clinical narcissism actually on the rise in the US? If so, what’s causing it?
  • Does narcissism statistically affect men more than women, or is there just a difference in how they tend to express it?
  • When a little bit of narcissism can be a big advantage.
  • How to tell early on if you’re dealing with a bona fide narcissist, what you can do to remain your best self in their presence, and how you might possibly help them become their better selves.
  • And much more…